Sunday Problem #11

Published 16 Aug 2020 by antti (last edited 3 Sep 2020)

This is a slightly modified version of a problem that came up in the league game between bellicose and yosai.

Black to play.

Black 1 is the key point. White 2 is forced, but Black can then form the necessary eye space with the descent of 3. After 4–5, white 2 is captured in an oiotoshi, forming Black’s second eye.
After black 3, if White tries the placement of 4, Black then swallows the white stones whole with 5–7.
Simply capturing a white stone with black 1 is not enough. After white plays 2, the Black group forms a dead door group shape.

Comments (1)

antti wrote 4 years, 6 months ago:

Solution added.