Sunday Problem #23

Published 8 Nov 2020 by antti (last edited 15 Nov 2020)

This week’s problem is from Maeda Nobuaki 9p’s three-part tsumego collection, titled simply (Maeda Tsumego-Shū), or Maeda’s Tsumego Collection. The three volumes together contain 585 relatively basic life-and-death problems that make for good reading practice for players of all levels.

A shortened version of the second volume can be bought on SmartGo Books under the title ‘Life and Death’. The Japanese three-volume set can be bought for example at the Nihon Ki-in for 4,000 yen plus tax.

Black to play.

Black’s tesuji of 1 is the key to this problem. White 2 looks like a promising response, but then Black continues with the first-line moves of 3–5, reducing White’s liberties. After 7, White loses a local capturing race and the corner dies.

Comments (2)

antti wrote 4 years, 3 months ago:

Solution added.

Frederer wrote 4 years, 3 months ago:

Very cool problem, I did many times, waiting to play it in real games ^^.